
Andrea Cavallaro is Rights Manager for the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency. A graduate of Tufts University with a BA in English, she first worked at Random House in New York, then spent 15 years at Harcourt Trade Publishers in Subsidiary Rights and Special Markets. She has been with SDLA since 2009. On behalf of the authors represented by SDLA, she handles all subsidiary rights and works with the large team of overseas agents and foreign scouts to obtain translation editions, which results in over 150 licenses each year. She is the liaison with film agents and also works directly with producers and studios for film rights. In addition, she handles audio and e-book negotiations and attends the Frankfurt Book Fair.

Please note: Andrea does not accept manuscript submissions directly, nor does she accept film scripts.

Film/Televsion/Stage Rights

For Film/Television/Stage inquiries, please contact Andrea Cavallaro andrea@dijkstraagency.com.

Reprint Permissions

To apply for a reprint permission, please contact jake@dijkstraagency.com. Please include the following:

Title and author of work being requested:
Title of your publication:
Author(s) of your publication:
Anticipated Pub Date:
Rights being requested (print, electronic, audio):
Territory (North America, World, etc.):
Distribution/print run:
Term (5 years, 10 years, etc.):

Foreign Rights

  1. Eastern Europe - Prava I Prevodi - (rights@pravaiprevodi.com)
  2. France - La Nouvelle Agence - Vanessa Kling (vanessa@lanouvelleagence.fr)
  3. Germany - Agence Hoffman - Andrea Wildgruber (a.wildgruber@agencehoffman.de)
  4. Hungary - Katai & Bolza AGency - Peter Bolza (peter@kataibolza.hu)
  5. Israel - TBPAI - Mickey Chelsa (rights@tbpai.co.il)
  6. Italy - The Italian Literary Agency - Chiara Piovan (chiara.piovan@italianliterary.com)
  7. Japan - English Agency of Japan - Hamish Macaskill (hamish@eaj.co.jp)
  8. Korea/Thailand/Vietnam/Indonesia - Eric Yang Agency - Henry Shin (henryshin@ericyangagency.co.kr)
  9. Netherlands - Sebes & Bisseling Agency - Paul Sebes (sebes@sebes.nl)
  10. Poland - Graal Literary Agency - Justyna Pelaska  (Justyna.Pelaska@graal.com.pl)
  11. Russia - Synopsis Agency - Natasha Sanina (nat@synopsis-agency.ru)
  12. Scandinavia: Sebes & Bisseling Agency - Paul Sebes (sebes@sebes.nl)
  13. Spanish/Portuguese/Catalan/Latin America - Sandra Bruna Agencia Literaria - Sandra Bruna (sbruna@sandrabruna.com)
  14. Taiwan/China - Bardon-Chinese Media Agency - David Tsai (david@bardonchinese.com)
  15. Turkey - Anatolia Literary Agency   Merve Öngen merve@anatolialit.com
  16. UK - Abner Stein Agency - Caspian Dennis (caspian@abnerstein.co.uk)